Guillows Spitfire Mk-I Kit G504

Product Code: G504


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Spitfire Mk-I Flying Model Kit

16.5" Wing span rubber powered flying model kit

This kit contains material for building one flying model.  Contents include accurate scale plan and illustrated step by step model building booklet, light vacuum formed parts such as nose cowl, bubble canopy and small external details, genuine decal set, scale plastic main wheels, rubber motor band, plastic propeller, plastic thrust bearing, wire propeller shaft, covering tissue, razor sharp die-cut balsa parts and generous quantity of strip stock.

Other items needed to build this model not included in kit; adhesives, model airplane cement or white glue for model frame construction and white glue for tissue covering, model building tools and accessories such as workboard, common pins, model builder's knife etc. 

price includes vat at UK current rate.

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