Estes Whirlybird E2X Launch Set D-ES1446

Product Code: D-ES1446


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What's black, hot pink and yellow you ask? Well, it's the WHIRLYBIRD, of course! With helicopter nose cone recovery along with parachute rocket recovery, the Whirlybird is really fun to watch, launch and land. No matter what experience level you are, it's quick and easy to build. You really can buy and fly in an afternoon. Enjoy countless fun launches. And when powered by a C6-5 motor, your Whirlybird can reach heights of 650 feet.

All rocket parts come pre-coloured and glue quickly together with some tube type plastic cement.

What's Included

Whirlybird E2X rocket

Rocket Launch System - containing Astron II Launch Controller and Astron II Launch Pad


What's Required

Launch sets are supplied without motors, igniters and wadding. You'll need the following to launch your rocket:

Recommended motor (see the Technical Data table)

Recovery Wadding (see D-ES2274)

4 x AA Batteries for the Launch Controller


Spec Data

Recommended Motor C6-5 (First Launch)

Projected Altitude 650 Feet Feet

Weight 82.2g

Fins Plastic

Recovery Method 30.5cm Parachute

Diameter 34mm

Length 538mm


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